Wednesday, 26 January 2011

january 2011 mix

OK, first things first, i have definitely been neglecting blog duties once again, but it seems to be around the time of summer that things start to trail off, i get busy, and the blog takes a back seat, lets see if i can find a balance in 2011, less nights out and more nights in, spending time on mixes. secondly, i need some feedback guys, i put these mixes together and no one says shit... like 'good mix', 'i like that tune' or 'this is rubbish', well if your gonna say that then maybe you should keep it to yourself ;) so if you dig the mix and download it then say a few words...

i hope everyone had a good new years, mine was very quite this year, just me and my girl :) the year before was crazy enough for 3-4 years i think.

right lets get down to the music, since that's what y'all are here for anyways. last year was MEGA for young producers, david kennedy aka ramadanman/pearson sound, my producer of the year, this boy was BUSY, 12's, ep's, his record label; Hessle Audio, collaborations and remixes with midland and appleblim, i have never seen so much productivity from one man... others include joy (bring back garage) orbison, space dimension controller (who i will drop into a mix next month), pariah (so fresh on the scene he counts burial as an inspiration to start producing), julio bashmore (also mighty fine rifleman), CFCF, james (lets hope stays relatively underground-ish) blake, jacques greene, braiden (rinse fm), XxXy and many, many, many more...

also last year dubstep seemed to drift off towards the end and make way for more house beats, RnB and future garage (as some have come to call it), the dubstep thing has seemed to get old quick, good timing too as it seems its going to go mainstream this year...

so this mix is really a reflection of that change as you will spot a few names in the tracklisting that i have included in previous mixes, this time round however you will notice little similarity in there sound. its not uncommon for an artist to change there sound, but to do it so rapidly, within the first year or so of producing, it seems as they are anti-genre, like they don't want to be pigeonholed or placed in a certain category, which i can totally relate to, especially in today's 'throw away' society, where we get bored of something before it has a chance to develop properly... a product of the download generation...

so this mix has alot of 90's influence, the house beats, the occasional 808 synth, the female vocals and some garage dirt :)

enjoy x

01 January Mix 2011 by oliversinfiniteplaylist


big ass biscuit - pteradactil disco
battle for middle you - julio bashmore
found a way - james fox
sorted - jacques greene
ask yourself - julio bashmore
ladywell - joy orbison
prism - pariah
work them - ramadanman
this_much - xxxy
carbonated - mount kimbie

1 comment:

  1. Hey Oli, i like the mix a great deal!
    Keep up the good work!
