this month i have been listening to a mix of the oldies & newbies of ambient techno. i have selected a few of these geniuses and slung em together in a small mix, newer artists take the form of nathan fake & james holden, who runs the awesome boarder community label. the older and more established artists include orbital, aphex twin and a guy called gerald (not so ambient, but great old song from the nineties). if you have the time you should check out these other fine labels to discover similar artists: warp, bpitch control and kompakt (direct liks to these can be found on the right hand side of this blog under 'Independent labels')
download link: right click and save
track listing:
ageispolis - aphex twin
smile around the face - four tet
erotic discourse - bobby peru
the sky was pink (james holden remix) - nathan fake
the white flash (feat thom yorke) - modeselektor
chime - orbital
voodoo ray - a guy called gerald
i - aphex twin
the fear - µ-ziq
teared loss - kettel
you can download this mixtape: here